5 Tips For Mastering Your Instagram Aesthetic

Editing Apps

My two favorite apps are Lightroom and VSCO. If you really want to control specific colors in an image and develop a customized editing style, Lightroom will become your best friend. One of the most useful tools Lightroom has is being able to copy and paste edits. This allows you to be able to edit multiple pictures the same way and create a consistent editing style. VSCO is my go-to app when I want beautiful filters. If you grow to love VSCO I would highly recommend getting premium. It’s definitely worth it.

Color Scheme

Many mistake creating an Instagram aesthetic with having to post only one specific color. This is completely false, in fact I believe the best aesthetics have a color scheme. When choosing a color scheme for your Instagram you need to be realistic. Choose colors you are always around. For example, If you live on the beach, blue is a very prominent color for you. You can get blue from the water & the sky, therefore that is a color you should choose to include within your color scheme. Think of the walls in your apartment or the color scheme of the neighborhood where you live. The easiest way to develop a color scheme for your Instagram feed is to simply look around you.

Vision Boards

I’m not sure why, but every time I start changing or developing a new aesthetic on my Instagram, I get a bit stressed out. If you need something more concreate to guide you as you develop your Instagram feed’s aesthetic, then you need to start making vision boards. Start out by collecting images on Pinterest, edit them in your editing style, then place them on a grid. This is something you can always revert back to when you’re lost.

Plan It Out

Planning your feed is a pretty obvious must! In my experience, the app Preview is the best for this. It’s very flexible and allows you to play around with the layout of your pictures before your post them. When your laying out your pictures, make sure to diversify your angles and poses. I wouldn’t recommend placing two pictures in the same pose or angle next to each other. Instead, challenge yourself to make your feed more dynamic.

Commit To The Aesthetic

The most important thing to do when mastering your Instagram aesthetic is to commit to it. It can be easy to just post what you want, but if your want to create the Instagram aesthetic of your dreams, you need to stay disciplined and have faith. You may have to sacrifice not posting a picture you like in order to keep things cohesive, but it will be worth it in the end. Committing to one aesthetic on your Instagram feed is not for everyone, but its definitely doable. You just have to be intentional.



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Elizabeth Jude

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